
DADA COLLAGE and Memoirs by Frank Ponzi

by Frank Ponzi

Frank Ponzi, art historian, painter and restorer writes in his memoirs of the association with numerous personalities and colleagues. He tells of his upbringing during the Great Depression in America and subsequently after the war years, the savage McCarthy era. He came into personal contact with the pioneers of Dada who, fleeing Hitler's Europe, met in New York. These, among others, were for instance Hans Richter, Man Ray, Duchamp, Arp and Huelsenbeck.

After marrying an Icelandic singer, Frank makes his home in Iceland where he dedicates his life to painting, filmmaking, researching and writing five historical books and two documentary films. Along with arranging various art exhibitions he writes numerous articles emphasizing the Icelandic past and the changing cultural traditions.

As a son of Italian immigrants in America his memoirs return him to his natural sources where other pertinent Dada chance happenings occur in this book

The book is in english, 6 x 9 in. , 237 pages and 24 pages with photographs.

Published by Brennholt, 2008.